144TO196.ZIP 21,410 10-09-94 Convert Your 1.44 Mb Disks To 1.968 Mb Disks
4CAT140.ZIP 402,638 11-20-94 4CAT - Ver 1.40 - Disk and file catalog.Quick, easy way to keep track of files storedon disks. 4DOS descriptions, up to 512characters long, are utilized, if present.Search your database by filename, disk label,
4D55B.ZIP 10,476 10-19-94 4DOS 5.5 patch file, updates 4DOS 5.5 rev Ato 4DOS 5.5 rev B. ONLY USEFUL if you alreadhave 4DOS 5.5 rev A, not needed by new users.To check your current 4DOS version use VER /R
4D55C.ZIP 41,995 12-20-94 4DOS 5.5 patch file, updates 4DOS 5.5 rev Bto 4DOS 5.5 rev C. ONLY USEFUL if you alreadyhave 4DOS 5.5 rev B, not needed by new users.To check your current 4DOS version use VER/R. Also requires patch program (see
4FILE320.INF 5,531 12-17-94 Information about 4FILES v3.20
4FILE320.ZIP 126,249 12-17-94 4FILES 3.20 <ASP> MULTI-PURPOSE FILE MANAGERRecommended by PC-Computing magazine 9/94.Combines fast disk navigation with completefile management, program launching, and 4DOS
4N25C.ZIP 102,916 01-21-95 4DOS/NT 2.5 patch file, updates 4DOS/NT 2.5rev B to 4DOS/NT 2.5 rev C. ONLY USEFUL ifyou already have 4DOS/NT 2.5 rev B, notneeded by new users. To check your current4DOS/NT version use VER /R. Also requires
4O25C.ZIP 76,016 01-21-95 4OS2/32 2.5 patch file, updates 4OS2/32 2.5rev B to 4OS2/32 2.5 rev C. ONLY USEFUL ifyou already have 4OS2/32 2.5 rev B, notneeded by new users. To check your current4OS2/32 version use VER /R. Also requires
4UTILS.ZIP 163,557 10-08-94 Free utilities for 4DOS/NDOS. Includes: 1)4DESC 1.74 Full-screen 4DOS file descriptioneditor with mouse support and cut and pastecapability. Scrollable editing of200-character descriptions. Calls file
ALASAVER.ZIP 37,408 01-14-95 alaSAVER v1.00 - The DOS screensaver withchiming clock from the alaCARTE menu system.Not a TSR or pop-up program, alaSAVER doesn'tremain in memory, depriving other programs of
ALIAS11B.ZIP 8,318 11-20-94 A TSR utility that enables DOS command-lineediting and recall of previously issuedcommands permits assignment to Alias's
ALREADY.ZIP 2,386 11-20-94 ALREADY.COM - make sure that your PC executessome routine tasks once - and only once -every day.
AMI408.ZIP 476,505 11-19-94 AMI BIOS Diagnostics v4.08
BATFAQ11.ZIP 40,093 10-20-94 BATPOWER - Frequently Asked QuestionsTutorial on Batch file programming and usage.
BBSPLV30.ZIP 108,518 01-02-95 Baby Spooler v3.00 <ASP> Simplified printspooling programs. Combine any of thefollowing features: background printing;re-routing of printed output to a disk file;monitor a designated directory for the
BMSTR62.ZIP 321,504 10-07-94 BLASTER Master v6.2 The best VOC file editorfor the Sound Blaster. Many Special FX: Echo,Fade, Reverse, Mix, Remove Vocals, StereoPanning, Change Sample Rate, Looping, andmuch more! New tutorial file included.
BOOTR205.ZIP 319,943 10-19-94 BOOT'R v2.05 <ASP> -DOS Configuration ManagerBOOT'R is a utility that allows themanagement of multiple configurations on asingle machine. BOOT'R not only allows themodification of the CONFIG.SYS and
BUTIL_BT.ZIP 39,660 11-07-94 * THE BURGESS UTILITIES * by D.Burgess *FREEWARE! Batchfile utilities that enhanceappearance and productivity of your batch-files. Beta-test Release...
CAPTUR22.ZIP 33,034 12-14-94 Capture It! v2.2 TSR Screen Grabber
CARDGS.ZIP 83,269 12-30-94 CARD GUIDE Shareware Version 1.50 Aninformational aid to assist in installingvarious types of I/O cards. Contains easy touse, catalogued menu interface. A fewspecific card diagrams and their settings
CCMDR11A.ZIP 47,528 11-28-94 Color Commander V1.1A VGA palette Utility.Reduce eye strain and change the look of yourDOS programs by changing the 16 DOS colors toany of 262,144. Resident palettes,pick-lists, pop-up windows, ASCII chart,
CDQCK100.ZIP 136,143 12-20-94 CD-QUICK Cache v1.0 <ASP>- Make CD-ROMs FAST!This program will dramatically improve theperformance of your CD-ROM drive by storingfrequently read data in fast XMS memory. Uses
CDSKA810.ZIP 459,374 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP> (1/3)From Rick Hillier. The most significantupgrade in CATDISK's long history! Trackswhat's on each disk in your file collection.New interface w/pull down menus, pop-up
CDSKB810.ZIP 136,541 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP> (2/3)From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilities automateoffloading files to floppies, eliminatingduplicate files/redundant versions ofprograms, general file cleanup operations and
CDSKC810.ZIP 378,702 11-14-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.10 <ASP> (3/3)From Rick Hillier. Easy to use installationprogram automates and simplifies the CATDISKinstallation process. The standard version
CDU_V501.ZIP 428,044 10-21-94 CDU Catdisk Utilities V 5.01 Major release*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*DISP software: CDU Catdisk UtilitiesVersion/Date : V 5.01 / October 21th, 1994*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
CF537.ZIP 198,348 11-15-94 CMFiler v.5.37 <ASP> DOS File ManagerAcclaimed by DOS 6 Secrets, PC Mag, NovellDOS 7 Unleashed! Split-screen file managerwith full suite of file and dir services,including tree mode. Built-in file editor,
CHKSHARE.ZIP 39,963 01-05-95 CHKSHARE checks if SHARE.EXE, and or ifWindows is running whether VSHARE.386, isloaded in the permanent environment. CHKSHAREcan optionally check the read -only attributeof a specified file (/F=) CHKSHARE has 3
CLRV300.ZIP 77,848 12-30-94 Color View - Color Directory Viewer A greatdos "dir" replacement. Now view yourdirectories in color by assigning colors toextensions, directories, attributes and more.Up to 30 extensions can be defined. Sort by
COLOR.ZIP 2,065 11-17-94 Based on the argument of the program COLORthe DOS colors will be changed for typing andbackground. This will be semi-permanent inthat CLS will NOT reset the default colors
COLORSII.ZIP 4,099 11-14-94 Ths very small program will change the colorcharacters on your screen (the prompt). It ispretty easy to use. Just type COLORS andfollow the instructions. You will needANSI.SYS or another similar driver in your
CONF730.ZIP 130,953 01-02-95 PC-CONFIG V7.30 - Detects all the hardware inyour PC and shows them on the screen. One ofthe best sysinfo-programs ever. With CD-ROMbenchmark routine! Finds Local-Bus and PCI
COPYQ318.ZIP 186,274 10-26-94 COPYQM Version 3.18. October, 1994 CopyQM isa diskette duplicating program that, sinceits introduction in 1987, has set thestandard for PC duplication software. Thisprogram is by far Sydex's most popular,
CPD12.ZIP 57,124 10-27-94 Complete Program Deleter 1.2 totally removesall files and directories added to a disk byany installation utility, and restoresAUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI, andWIN.INI. A complete uninstaller for DOS or
CPU_ID.ZIP 12,204 09-20-94 CPU-ID tells you what type of CPU and or MathCoProcessor is installed in your computer. Ifound an .asm program in the back of an Inteldata book on the 486tm CPU, and wondered if I
DATES409.ZIP 61,619 09-13-94 DATES.EXE: Warns you of upcoming birthdays,anniversaries, holidays, etc so you can buycards or get out of town in time.
DCF49.ZIP 104,716 10-11-94 DISK COPY FAST v4.9: Powerful 1-pass disketteduplicating utility. VERY fast: 42+% fasterthan DOS, 33+% faster than competing programs; Command line or menu driven; HOT keys for
DD407.ZIP 55,703 10-11-94 The BEST Replacement For DOS's 'DIR' Command!- FULLY FUNCTIONAL Shareware! - Featured InThe July 1994 Issue Of Compute Magazine! -Shows Files In 1, 2, 3, 4, Or 6 Columns, InLeft/Right Or Up/Down Order! - Sorted By
DE111E.ZIP 159,900 12-10-94 Emporium present DISK-EMU v1.11 - Englishrelease Versin en castellano disponibleFloppy drive emulator. Install anything inseconds. Convert DXP images into archives in3 secs. Make disk to disk copies much faster.
DIFFV121.ZIP 46,310 10-15-94 DIFF v1.21 <ASP> - File/Dir/ZIP DifferencesSide by side display of two text files,directories or ZIP archives. Useful forprogrammers to see the differences betweentwo source text files or two sets of files,
DIR2ENV.ZIP 4,450 01-18-95 BATch Enhancer, set ENV to DIR/DRV subsrings
DMAN130.ZIP 87,726 10-31-94 DRIV_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: SINGLE SCREENdisk drive(1-26) summary display includes:DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with capacity/used/freeeach drive, DRIVE DATA GRAPH, TOTAL DISKSUMMARY and GRAPH, INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA -
DOSV200.ZIP 101,750 01-01-95 DosVar 2.00: String-handling for batch files.Now you can manipulate variables in BAT filesto obtain left and right substrings. You canperform justification or strip leading zeros.Published by Pinnacle Software.
DS2V504.ZIP 369,102 01-02-95 DISK SPOOL II v5.04 <ASP> Now in its 9thyear, DISK SPOOL II is a tried and true TSRthat creates a sophisticated, yet simple touse background printing environment for yourPC. Full-featured pop- up menu; fast
DSKFAC22.ZIP 84,954 11-12-94 The Disk Factory 2.2 full-screen diskettecopier and image manager
DSX22C.ZIP 266,841 10-06-94 DOSNIX 2.2c. A UNIX style toolkit for MSDOS.DOSNIX combines the most frequently used UNIXcommands with some slick DOS utils to providean extremely powerful operating environment.
EBAK3.ZIP 222,510 12-21-94 EASY BACKUP VERSION 3.0 - Compressed BackupDisk Maker - Easy Backup makes compressedself-restoring backups. It backs up subdirectories automatically and has an archiveoption which will remove the backed up
ERRLVL12.ZIP 22,052 01-03-95 TifaWARE ERRLVL v1.2d display return code ofprevious program; ie, ERRORLEVEL. RequiresDOS v3.30, v4.0, v5.0, or v6.0. Includessource for TASM v3.0. Last updated 07-Jul-93.Public domain.
FAT.ZIP 14,439 11-17-94 FAT is a simple program that can be used todisplay the chain of clusters (diskallocation units) that belong to a disk file,to determine which file "owns" a specifiedcluster or sector, and to display general
FDE141.ZIP 96,224 12-10-94 File Description Editor - Ver 1.41 - 4DOSversion 5.5 compatible. Editor for filedescriptions up to 512 characters long. Fullfeatured editor with wordwrap, block editfunctions and mouse support. New options:
FILEF48.ZIP 198,725 10-04-94 FileFinder v4.8 - <ASP> Finds Files, & DIRSon normal and networked drives and insidecompressed files, also locates DUP files..Extremely fast and versatile. Fixed: theproblem with FFD program. Added: support for
FIXBOOT_.ZIP 32,089 11-22-94 FIXBOOT will replace/create boot sectorinformation for diskettes from 360k to 2.88Kin either MSDOS or PCDOS formats. Alsoincludes SWAPBOOT utility to change bootdrives on your PC cc
FORAG200.ZIP 54,794 01-01-95 Backups for people who can't stand to do 'em!ForAge is a helpful little utility that feedsthe file name of the newest or oldest file inin a group of files to another command. Ideal
FORTN411.ZIP 70,177 01-03-95 FORTUNE.EXE: A tuner-upper for the DOS FORcommand. Generates a batch file which doesall those wildcard things you wished FORcould do (like "FORTUNE IN (*.BAS) DO RENAME%A %2*.*" to remove parts of file names).
GBEAR.ZIP 19,743 12-24-94 Dos screensaver, Grateful Bear floats aroundyour screen.
GRFWK70E.ZIP 568,902 12-05-94 Graphic Workshop for DOS v7.0e - The bestWorkshop yet! Converts, prints, views,dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales,crops, colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes,and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX,
HNDY161B.ZIP 13,558 10-19-94 EXTENTION DETECTING BATCH FILES v1.61 (BETABUG FIX) *FREEWARE* - for Wildcat! v4.xx.Determines file exten- tion with BAT fileContains pre-made files: VIEWCOMP.BAT,FILEDESC.BAT, SCANFILE.BAT. Needs NO external
HORST_1.ZIP 13,774 10-23-94 Horst Schaeffer's free batch/DOS utilitiesfrom the Fidonet BATPOWER echo. Contents;LISTMOD 1.1, LOGECHO, NSET, PMENUE.Prepend/append text/commands/switches to alist (e.g. by redirection), echo dates into
IDCHIP.EXE 16,234 10-29-94 Chip Detector for Cirrus Logic Video Cards
INFO.EXE 27,136 10-30-94 Displays your System Configuration
INTEL-P5.ZIP 78,543 12-12-94 Info & Diag on Intel P5 Problems
JP4REF.ZIP 285,684 10-12-94 *Optional* ASCII reference manual for 4DOS5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5, JP Software'scommand processor replacements for DOS, OS/2,and Windows NT. For 4DOS files see4DOS55A.ZIP and 4DOS55B.ZIP; for 4OS2 see
JULIAN2.ZIP 6,088 11-20-94 This is a program to return the day ofyear(Julian) using the system date, andinsert it into the environment. An errorlevelof 8 will be returned if the environment isout of memory. Successful termination returns
JUMPV200.ZIP 6,297 10-18-94 JUMP.EXE v2.0 - is a batch file enhancer tosave the current drive and directory to theenvironment, and restore them at any latertime. Freeware.
KEYCAC21.ZIP 16,105 09-29-94 Keycache - Universal Input Accelerator TSR
KUTIL11.ZIP 113,291 11-09-94 K-TOOLS UTILITIES 1.1 - A set of 8 powerfulfile management tools to Make or Remove wholedirectory trees, Copy files without writingover newer versions, Synchronise whole drives
LILDIR1.ZIP 15,969 12-27-94 Little Directory v.1. ala DOS's DIR. This onehas 12 options (1 to 5 columns, walk thesubdirectory tree, ..) and you can set yourdefault with an environment variable.Optional tree display with size of each
LINKLN10.ZIP 25,681 11-20-94 Links/LN enables you to create "links" to EXEand COM files. - Smaller PATH enviro- nmentvariable. Just include a links directory inyour PATH and create links to each executable
LOADIT.ZIP 25,237 11-20-94 LoadIT Realtime Startup Editor Loadit letsyou optionally load Programs while yourcomputer Loads! Use it on TSR, Windows &More! (C)1994 IDS Systems
MAKEN101.ZIP 29,501 01-01-95 MakeName v1.01a - Make unique filenames foryour batch programs with this utility. Writesa batch program which sets a variableaccording to the date and time. This can thenbe called up by a second batch program to
MDIAG.EXE 70,080 12-07-94 Intel CPU test program for the Pentium <tm>
MEMFILES.ZIP 2,052 01-02-95 Optimize a boot disk with Memmaker!
MODEM210.ZIP 87,456 01-01-95 MODEM v2.10a - Add full modem control to yourbatch programs. Status checking. Dialing.Even a basic terminal program. Information issent back to the batch file via the DOSERRORLEVEL variable. Can also be used with
MORNSTAR.ZIP 92,280 12-19-94 MORNING STAR SCREEN SAVER FOR DOS Includestwo screen saver modules for DOS systems.Freeware.
MTBOOT.ZIP 27,701 11-22-94 Multi Boot 1.0 Multi-Boot Configuration PConfigure up to four different boot configuraEasy, no boot-up menu or nothing! Just a simpcommand line... Shareware $15 US dollars!
M_CHUZ02.ZIP 44,303 10-15-94 M-CHUZE - Add a Graphical Mouse Menu to youBatch Files. Returns an Errorlevel equal tothe Button Number +100
NFTY50.ZIP 101,286 01-05-95 A Collection of 50 Batch oriented Utilitiesto get info about the PC, DOS andconfiguration. Includes ASK, AUTOBOOT, CHIME,DIRGE, DISKLEFT, DISKPC, FAKEBADC, FORMFEED,ISANSI, WATVID, ISASSIGN, ISCDROM, ISCLOCK,
OS2_05DR.ZIP 301,924 12-27-94 OnScreen/2 FileViewer v2.05 for OS/2, DOS andWin32
P5FPUERR.ZIP 2,370 12-09-94 >>>> PENTIUM TESTS! <<<< This short text filehas three separate tests you can run on thePentium proccessor to determine if yoursystem has the FPU error.
P87TEST.ZIP 5,221 11-14-94 Intel Pentium<tm> Test for FDIV bug
PARSE260.ZIP 146,996 01-01-95 PARSE-O-MATIC v2.60 is a programmable file-parser. Simple enough for a non-programmer tomaster. Countless applications: Importing,Exporting, Automated Editing, Table Lookup,
PARSFILE.ZIP 4,095 11-20-94 PARSFILE Ver 1.0 (c) Rob Flor, 1993. A batchMay be copied freely, but not modified or solSyntax: ParsFile filespec PARSFILE parses afilespec and sets the follo DR=Drive PA=Path
PENTBUG.ZIP 40,576 11-26-94 Test for Defective Pentiums with C SourceCode and Intel Phone
POCK42.ZIP 181,157 11-05-94 POCKETD PLUS v4.2 <ASP> - 31k DOS Army KnifeAwarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL & WHATPC's runner-up "BEST UTILITY 1994". Tiny butsuperb color directory lister, file COPY and
PRESZ104.ZIP 60,161 10-22-94 Partition Resizer v. 1.0.4 This is the firstfull featured partition handlingprogram.Moves and resizes all DOS partitions,without deleting the data. IDE hard disks,8086+ (c) Zeleps 1994
PRLINK20.ZIP 29,389 12-02-94 Paralink v2.0 File Transfers via ParallelPorts
PWRBAT.ZIP 290,416 01-13-95 POWERBATCH v2.1 <ASP> A high-level commandcompiler which creates standalone .EXEprograms. Great tool for replacing DOS batchfiles. All the functions of a .BAT file plus65 additional commands. If you can write a
QCONFG22.ZIP 280,008 09-25-94 QCONFIG/QSYSTEM v2.21 (Oct 94). IBM freewareprograms to determine system hardware.Versions for DOS and OS/2, plus one thatcombines both. Requires DOS 3.3+ or OS/2 1.x+.
QEMM_OPT.ZIP 107,038 11-22-94 New Optimize for QEMM v7.5 Registered
QPAT1.ZIP 51,394 11-09-94 This Patchfile implements fixes to QEMM 7.5
QPAT2.ZIP 368,070 12-01-94 This Patchfile implements fixes to QEMM 7.5
QUIKDUP1.ZIP 86,392 09-25-94 DISK DUPLICATOR PLUS v1.0 The BEST diskduplication program available! Allows you tomass duplicate a disk. Great for sharewareauthors and others who need mass duplicationfeatures! Only $10. Shareware!
QUTILS32.ZIP 82,961 11-20-94 Quick Utils 3.2 (c) Copyright 1994 by HenningVahlenkamp This is a shareware package forthe IBM PC and compatibles, consisting of 14small, efficient command line programs that
RCDIR101.ZIP 80,129 11-20-94 Deluxe DIR V10.1 - Replaces command.com "DIR"command. More switches, faster and morepowerful than dir. Uses colors to showfile-type and uses Unix style extendedwildcards NEW: Colors user- definable - View
READ115B.EXE 113,647 10-31-94 Read, File Viewer, ZIP & Directory Manager
REP114.ZIP 447,864 01-05-95 Replicator v1.14 <ASP> - The Disk ReplicatorReplicator is a disk image utility designedto create images of diskettes and catalogthem in a database. Use optional compression
SABDU280.ZIP 335,428 10-01-94 SAB*Diskette*Utility*Version*2.80*(ASP)THE*MS*Windows*Diskette*UtilityFormat/copy/compare/save floppy disketteimages in foreground or background. Read adiskette once and make multiple copies. Save
SCDTSK26.ZIP 135,618 10-13-94 TASK SCHEDULER VERSION 2.5 <ASP> Schedule andrun DOS programs anytime- Task Scheduler willschedule and run any DOS program or programsfor execution once, daily, weekly, monthly,or at other intervals. Utilities -
SEAC102.ZIP 10,210 11-05-94 File Search utility for DOS - FREEWARE!
SEE310.ZIP 138,518 01-01-95 SEE v3.10 File display & printing utility.SEE displays text or binary files of any sizeand supports "command-line macros" so you canautomate the use of SEE for your application.
SEE509.ZIP 121,098 01-01-95 SEE (File Viewer and Printer) from MicroFoxCompany. Can scroll any size file in anydirection with full mouse support and scrollbars. Has on-line help and can freeze toprows and left columns while the rest of the
SETDATEB.ZIP 18,119 09-18-94 SETDATE Version 1.B Batch file enhancer.Parts of the date and time (selectable) areput in environment variables. Deterimines ifwithin a period during a day. Finds futureand past dates if given number of days away.
SF70.ZIP 74,875 09-13-94 SuperFind v7.0 is an enhanced DOS file finduility. Find files by wildcards,attributes,sizes,date/date ranges. Search multiple andnetwork drives. SF scans the drive/dir speconly once, allowing multiple finds. SF
SK470S.ZIP 335,048 10-18-94 SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.70 Containsthe shareware versions of the world famousHyperDisk, HyperKey, and HyperScreenUtilities. Two new utilities are included:HyperRAM for CPU speedup and IDE Booster for
SPEEDCPU.ZIP 85,784 11-12-94 -= Speed...=- The latest in PC softwareAllows you to double your system speed,without any work. Fully tested!
SYSCK24.ZIP 111,626 10-26-94 EXCELLENT SYSINFO UTILITY - The Best Ever!! *SYSCHK v2.40 <ASP> - System Info Checker.System information utility provides completedetails on devices installed in your system.
TLB_A252.ZIP 214,059 10-24-94 A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THELAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52)Requires the companion standard package,TLB-V252.ZIP.
TLB_T252.ZIP 40,742 10-24-94 A small program to test compatibility withTHE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52) Ifsuccessful, you may want to downloadTLB-V252.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A252.ZIP.
TLB_V252.ZIP 275,726 10-24-94 THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52)Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more between640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 6, Win 3.1,& all prot. mode software. Requires 8088 or
TOUCHV20.ZIP 27,634 10-22-94 Touch v2.0 Basic utility to update date andtime of filename. Includes source.
TRACE27.ZIP 84,428 11-20-94 Trace is a system utility that produces alisting of the MS-DOS requests made by aprocess. It is a useful debugging tool thatcan be used on any executable program. Tracecan also be used to provide a better
TSBAT46.ZIP 127,068 09-04-94 A large collection of useful batch files andbatch programming tricks from Prof. TimoSalmi. Self-contained. No exotic externalbatch enhancers needed.
UNIVBE50.EXE 406,694 12-03-94 The Universal VESA - VBE
UNSTAL03.ZIP 55,778 11-14-94 Rosenthal UnInstall v3 <ASP> - Safely removeunwanted Windows & DOS programs. Files,directories and system changes may be kept orautomatically removed with system cleaned up
UN_DUP01.ZIP 39,802 01-01-95 Rosenthal Un_Dup v1 <ASP> - Windows & DOSdisk space recovered from duplicate files andoptimize "PATH" statement for the mostefficient access speed. FREE BONUS supportshighly acclaimed Rosenthal UnInstall (tm).
UTL111.ZIP 171,868 10-10-94 MicroFox Utilities version 1.11 by Jim Hass.BBS File Name is UTL111.ZIP. This libraryincludes the following printer utilities:EPSON 2.24, NECPIN 1.00, and IBMPRO 1.02. Thefile lister and printer LIST 1.05, tick
WDWIN31.EXE 277,120 12-16-94 Western Digital Driver for Enhanced IDE
WHOA130.ZIP 29,345 11-08-94 Batch File Delay/Abort Enhancement.User-defined delay, and text is displayed toshow progress through batch file. Color,sound, and mouse support. User may Abort toDOS at any time. W/ sample batch file and
WIZ14B5.ZIP 269,682 12-10-94 File Wizard Version 1.4 beta 5 -= only forregistered user =- Areamanager forBBS-SysOp's * Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS, RA1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME, ProBoard,Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL * Lot's of functions,
WIZ31.ZIP 77,064 11-15-94 Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder. Fullwildcardsbetter that DOS's. Scans multipledisks, and within archives. Can quality filesby size, date, class executable, archive.
WRISIT35.ZIP 25,146 12-05-94 WHERE-IS-IT? Fast File Finder/ManipulatorVersion 3.5 Added support for Microsoft(tm)compressed files. Fixed a compressed fileread problem. Delete found files. Changedirs, etc. Super fast. Registration $15.00
WSSI533A.ZIP 179,956 09-05-94 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.33, part 1 of 2.Build database of directory info. Extractinfo from ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, self-extracting, others. Extract image size andno. of colors from GIF, others. Add comments
WSSI533B.ZIP 136,163 09-05-94 Wssindex cataloger vers. 5.33, part 2 of 2.
XSET260.ZIP 99,380 11-20-94 XSET allows you to put EVERYTHING you want ina variable of the current environment and usewith the standard DOS command 'SET'
XXBG300.ZIP 40,616 01-03-95 XXBUG Version 3.00 - 7 bit encoder & scriptgenerator. XXBUG will generate a xx-encodedfile and attach a header to decode the data.This utility is ideal for transferring binaryfiles across a 7 bit ascii media, for
XXDBG110.ZIP 15,059 01-03-95 XXDEBUG Version 1.10 - 7 bit decoder thatsupports the XXBUG, XXBUG20, XXBUG30, UUBUG,standard uuencode, standard xxencode andXX34E formats. Alternative decoder to usingDOS DEBUG.